A month ago, I turned 28. My belief was that I would be completely mortified and lining up to get Botox. I was not keen on the idea of getting older to say the least, but then I began thinking about me at ages 27, 25, 21, 19, 17… and I realized something inspirational and quite spectacular actually. I wouldn’t want to go back. Nothing could really tempt me to going back either. I’m glad those years are over. The beautiful things I’ve seen, the places I’ve experienced, the challenges I’ve overcome, the friends I’ve kept, the heartache I’ve not always handled gracefully, the lessons I’ve learned, the love I’ve been given, and the faith I’ve held…have all made me better. I’m a better person for each of those years. Taking one of them away would be taking away all I had learned from those 12 months. I am proud to be 28 and I can’t wait until I am 50. I can’t imagine all the learning God has planned in between. Thinking about it makes my heart leap. All the gray hair and wrinkles in the world are worth it. The wisdom that comes with each year (even if it’s just a little bit) is priceless and something young beauty cannot replicate. So I am 28. I have a long way to go, but I am not looking back. 29 here I come.