Medicated & Motivated: What I have been up to the last 2 weeks

Surgery is a pain. Luckily, there is Vicodin. Two weeks ago, I had a partial salpingo-oopherectomy which is a fancy way of saying that my doctor removed a fallopian tube and an ovary. The surgery was a success. Nana came. Nana went. All is well. The end.
Being completely house-bound (and basically couch-bound), gave me ample time to go crazy with crafting. I am not a big crafter. I don’t dream of popsicle stick creations. However, I do have it in my blood from my mom (aka “nana” “motherhood brigade” “the mothership” and my personal favorite “Sandra Anderson Living”), and this week I realized that when confined to my home and heavily medicated I become very crafty. Here are just a few of the projects I embarked upon:

I have always loved the Pottery Barn Kids chair backers and I decided I had wanted to buy some this year. Unfortunately this year’s backers are not as cute as PBK Valentine past. So with Motrin running through my veins I made my own. I featured it on NFF here.

I saw a cupcake bouquet I loved on google images and decided I needed to copy it. Here is my result. I haven’t featured it on NFF yet, but there is still time. This was actually surprisingly easy.
And then, I just started to dip everything I could think of in chocolate. Followed by LOTS of Valentine sprinkles. You can find them on NFF here, here, and here. I almost wish these chocolate items were a lot more difficult to make since I ended up dipping so so very much. A little monkey can do them.
I also embarked upon various new headbands and hair accessories for Miss V. And when that was all said and done, I online bargained-shopped for hours and hours on end. Needless to say, I’m probably not dipping anything else in chocolate until next Christmas AND I refuse to bring out the hot glue gun for atleast the next sixty days. I now wonder if Martha Stewart had a lot surgeries when she was younger. Is that how she got started? Being medicated and motivated?

P.S. The vintage inspired tag is from Anne Taintor at
I just love her items.