Lee and I have began the process of adopting again! Of course, the regular nine months does not apply. So we most likely will be receiving our bundle(s) of joy in the very near or not so near future. That’s why we needed to get started! You just never know! Since we seem to get perfection in twos, we are going through two programs. We have began the process for an Ethiopian adoption through an international agency, as well as a domestic adoption through LDS Family Services. Check out our adoption blog here. It is under construction, but almost finished. Feel free to leave comments on our adoption blog about how we are the perfect family and how wonderful of parents we are for potential birthparents to see! 😉 Constructive criticism is also welcome, but please email me it directly and do not leave it on the site! Also, for those who know of a person who may be considering adoption for their child, please refer them to our adoption site to learn more about our little family. You never know, maybe we are looking for each other!
Choosing to adopt again is almost frightening. Lee and I could honestly not have created two more perfect children than Vienna and Ethan. They are our dreams come true. To be honest, they are the main reason we want to adopt again. I love little babies so much, but the main reason really has been V & E. We want Vienna and Ethan to have a strong sibling group in case anything ever happens to us. We want them to have brothers and sisters they can rely on and talk to about everything. We want them to have the experience of mentoring younger brothers and sisters like we did. We are so proud of little V and E. And we want them to have everything in the world, including the blessing of having siblings. There is something to the sister-sister and brother-brother bond that cannot be duplicated.
Looking at other adoption profiles make me sad. There are a lot of people who are hurting and want children. At first, I was turned off. I saw their pain and thought, “Oh, they should definitely get a child before us. We are so happy.” But after some prayer, I knew we needed to go forward despite my feelings. I think Lee and I bring something unique to the table in that respect. We are not hurting. We are not sad about our infertility. We are perfectly whole and filled with happiness. If we didn’t have one more child, we would be completely okay. We are so fulfilled by our current life that adding another child would not be healing a broken heart, but adding more joy to an already full heart. I pray that all those families receive babies soon and that the right babies will come to us at the right time. We will be waiting no matter what the timing with open arms and happy hearts! In the meantime, we will just shower Ethan and Vienna with all our attention and love as usual.