This is why I love my Man.
Roses out of the blue for no particular reason.
It isn’t unusual.
It’s kind of a normal thing.
He is just that guy.
He wrote me a poem every day for the whole first year of our marriage.
I still wake up sometimes to him reciting Shakespeare while watching me sleep.
And it wasn’t too long ago, that he looked me in the eyes and said,
Loralee, I want to know everything about you.
We have known each other for eleven years.
Not one day of our marriage has passed without him telling me how beautiful I am.
Not one day of our marriage has passed without him telling me how beautiful I am.
And there have been many days when I haven’t been so beautiful.
But even if all the roses and kind words were gone, I am in love with his soul.
He infuriates me like no one else, and makes me laugh like no one else.
We see eye to eye on everything important and then fight about the details.
The belief that we don’t deserve each other makes every moment vulnerable.
We have an uncommon everyday romance.
Our love is so creative and different that I think most people don’t understand it.
Our love is resilient and fresh all the time.
Not everyone gets what I have. In fact, most don’t.
I may not be a lot of things, but lucky is one.
I hope everyone in the world has this love.
Everyone should be this lucky.