My bedroom sitting room. A fun career risk I took a few years ago was starting a furniture branch of my Loralee Lewis company. Shipping costs and other unforeseen factors kept it from being as successful as I would have liked, but I am glad I took the risk! I love a woman who takes a risk. (And I still may circle back to furniture later in life…you never know!) This pink sofa is one of the beautiful pieces left of the line that I still own. It’s silly to keep because several people have offered to purchase it, but I haven’t been able to part with it! It represents lessons learned, beauty and failure all wrapped into one for me! I’ve placed it in my sitting/work/Netflix-binge 😉 area of my bedroom and it makes me happy daily! Above it, I have Janet Hill portraits that resemble my sisters, my mom and me, my best friend, and my beautiful daughters. Women I admire!
Here’s the wonderful thing ladies, (I’ll tell you my secret), I have found there is so much beauty in personal trials and pain. In fact, often you can’t get to the most beautiful things in the world until you experience a little bit of it. And the beauty and happiness on the other side far outweigh the sacrifice or hardship. So if you’re going through something difficult – keep going. If you’re afraid of taking a risk – take it. If you land on your face – it may hurt. In fact, it will. But you will survive. There is beauty in failure too. And you won’t be able to part with it. At least, that’s my experience. I mean, look at my great pink couch. #gogetit #loraleelewis #takeyourrisk #loraleelewishome #pinkcouch