More to be cheeky than cute, I threw a Back to School P.O.P. (parents only party) in August for some close dear friends the week all our munchkins started preschool. I have been meaning to post them for weeks, but as I am sure you have noticed (due to the lack of posts!) I have been MIA. 🙂 The theory was that I would be less busy when my kiddos started school. The reality is that is completely untrue! Anyone else feel that?
Here are some of the details of my little get together.
To keep things easy, I chose three of my favorite cakes and placed them on self-serve platters for everyone to taste throughout the evening. The men especially liked this. With swimsuit season coming to an end, us ladies ditched our diets a little too willingly. I labeled each cake a name I thought fit the time of year.
For dinner, I made little cold lunch sacks for each guest with gourmet goods inside. The items that didn’t fit in the sacks I placed al la carte on the table.
Here was our menu. I’d be lying if I told you I made all these and didn’t get take-out from my favorite local cafe.

To keep the conversation fresh, I placed little Pop Quiz sheets and pencils next to each guests plate. The pencils had little flag tags on them that read, “
The most wonderful time of the year!” All the guests agreed a little too quickly… and then us moms gushed about how we had been looking forward to school starting again all year, but then bawled as we sent them away. The irony! Questions like, “
Who was your 9th grade crush?” and “
What was your most embarrasing moment in school?” were especially fun. It was an inexpensive way to keep us laughing.

For favors, I made take-out menu booklets for each couple titled, “School Night Cram Session, Weeknight Dinner Cliff Notes.” I filled them with all our favorite local take-out menus and numbers. To save me time, I found most of the take-out menus online and sized them to fit my make-shift booklets. The ladies especially loved these. I hate to admit how much I’ve used it in just the first month of PRESCHOOL. 🙂
Anyway, I know it’s late but thanks for letting me share my back-to-school party!!