Camping has always been a family ritual. I camped all the time growing up. Loved it. I love making the s’mores and singing songs around the camp fire. I just think it’s a blast. But now that I’ve grown a little bit older and have lived in Africa for over 12 months of my life bathing out of buckets, after the s’mores have been eaten and the constellations been pointed out – I’m ready to pack up. I love modern day conveniences and although I’ve been told I have a pioneer spirit on too many occasions – I would only did what they did if the Lord asked me to…and even then I would try to make it as comfy and girly as possible. (I did in fact introduce toe nail polish and bubble bath to a whole village of Ugandan women at one time… and never had so much fun might I add.)
Bottom line: I’ll make it happen if we are doing it, but I’m not like, “
Lee, I’ve got the whole suv packed with tents and coolers for this weekend. Let’s start roughing it!“
But to get back to my entire reason for posting all of this for those few who are still reading at this point… I feel like I’m camping right now. You see, my refrigerator broke a week and half ago…and the Filipino Customer Service representatives for Sears Repair will not work with me. I have tried everything. I’ve tried everything from sugar-sweetness to full out nashing of teeth. I called them last Thursday – no…no…not this past Thursday…the Thursday before that…the one in AUGUST…and have been on the phone with them everyday since. Yet needless to say, my refrigerator is still not fixed. And so I am continuing to camp. I can’t wait until I can stop. Sears has me scheduled to stop camping on Monday night.
Blog to you soon with a luke warm water bottle in my hand,