“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful...
Category - Adoption
A month ago, I turned 28. My belief was that I would be completely mortified and lining up to get...
A few nights ago, something happened that left a memory printed on my heart. Two Christmases ago...
I know I’ve been gone lately. The hormone changes from the surgery have been slightly...
This inspired me today!
Miss V loves to smile. The trick is getting her to smile for the camera! She has gone through a...
“…No woman is more persuasive, no woman has greater influence for good, no woman is a...
Thursday was Silly Sock Day at Ethan’s Preschool. And since I missed 50’s Drive In...
The posts that made me laugh out loud this week:For Rent at the Maser FamilyA Post About Hair at...