Dear Mom, Annie, Kristie, Tami, Alison, Katie, Sherral and Grandma – I miss you. It’s...
Category - Adoption
This is “the smile” my son does when I ask him to smile. I say, “Ethan, smile for...
Apologies to everyone for these taking so long. I know Boston is technically not a newborn anymore...
We had a wonderful mini-vacation this past week at Rough Creek Lodge. Here is a bit of our vacation...
This video cracked me up today. Enjoy! Blog to you soon,
Lately, whenever I go out people comment on “my glow.” It’s been a bit of a...
Vienna has no desire to learn Japanese today.
I am potty training Vienna starting today. To me, potty training is like learning to speak Japanese...
The other day, I was talking to Vienna and I said, “Vienna, you are such a cutie! You are...