
Hercules the Fat Cat

I randomly found this article from 2007 and had to post it. Find the whole article here. It’s quite humorous.


Fame isn’t dying down for a fat cat which garnered worldwide attention last month after he was found stuck in a pet door in Gresham. The overly rotund feline, Hercules, will be featured in an upcoming issue of Martha Stewart Living, for an article on helping pets lose weight. Hercules may also become a “spokescat” for a high-protein, low-calorie cat food. So how is his diet progressing so far? He’s lost about a pound, according to his owner, Geoff Earnest. Six months ago, Hercules left home while his owner Earnest received a lung transplant in Seattle. The publicity helped Earnest and Hercules reunite. Since the story surfaced, Hercules’ popularity has exploded; a clip of Hercules racked up 400,000 hits on YouTube.

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