Lee’s Ojitos

Just wanted to say thank you to all of our friends and family for their support throughout the last few weeks. We appreciate all the phone calls and love. To clear things up for everyone, Lee has a rare eye parasite and bacteria infection that has caused blindness in one of his eyes. We have been conducting hourly treatments around the clock for the past five days and will continue to do so for awhile. Lee’s other eye has not been effected by the parasite or bacteria, but has only always has a negative eleven vision. Needless to say, his vision has been impaired greatly. We are seeing a Cornea Specialist daily (even on holidays and Sundays) to check his progress, etc. We don’t know what permanent damage will be caused but are looking towards a possible cornea transplant if it is severe. He took last week off of work and most likely will not be working the next few weeks. It is quite painful and the exhaustion from the treatments is wearing. Right now it is a moving target and so we are just trying to figure out what it is and how best to treat it. Lee’s mom has been here since Thursday helping with hourly treatments as well as the kids. My mom flew in yesterday to take over and help with the new baby and treatments as well. Overall, we have a lot of support and so I am not too worried about that in the least. We are well-taken care of. I feel fine about everything and hopefully this will be a short-lived trial. Thank you again for your support.