He has begun walking now and it has been so fun to watch. No one ever told us how fun parenthood would be. Everyone told us how difficult it is, but no one told us how fun, rewarding, and awesome it is. There is nothing like having your own child. Mr. E is a dream come true.
Our other bundle of joy is on her way! Our birthmother is due shortly with our little girl. Everything seems to be on track. Our birthmother is a very neat lady. We feel so lucky to have her as our birthmother. Family Services is now handling the end of the adoption due to an unexpected move, but other than that everything has gone beyond smooth. We are trying to keep our hearts from being completely worn on our sleeves just in case, but as we come closer to the due date we cannot help but be excited. We hope there will be no hiccups or unexpected surprises. About ten percent of birthmothers pull out at the very end. We are hoping we are not that ten percent. We don’t think we will be, but as we have learned you never know.
I also fractured my foot somehow by too much heavy lifting (aka “Mr. E”). So I am in a little boot cast for the next three weeks. It is so ridiculous. I can’t tell you how cumbersome the thing is. I can’t wait to get it off! It truly is humiliating to wear.
Speaking of humiliating things, the other day I was taking E to his pediatrician. As I was walking (okay, hobbling) in with my boot and Mr. E on my hip, everyone just kept staring at me. It was a long walk from the parking lot to the hospital’s physician area. It took me about twenty minutes. Everyone just kept staring. I grumbled to myself, “Hasn’t anyone ever seen a white woman with an African baby and a cast on!? Give me a break. Have some manners.” About ten minutes later, I sat down in the pediatrician’s office and looked down to realize that my blouse was unbuttoned – not one button on my whole blouse was buttoned. Mr. E must have undone them all while I was hobbling in. I can’t tell you how humiliating it was. It wasn’t even near sexy. I had my garments on with a bright pink bra over them with low ride jeans and garment bottoms going way past the jeans. I mean it must have been hilarious to onlookers. I am sure they were thinking that somehow I had tucked my tank top into my grandma underwear and then put my bra on top. Definitely 110% humiliating. I couldn’t stop laughing. I have tried so hard to stay fit, beautiful, and stylish as a new mom and this just humbled me to the max. I had to laugh. Sometimes you just can’t win and you have to love your losses.
Well, E is up from his nap. I better go. Talk to you soon!