

Remember how I had a craft-crush on paper doilies in February?  And there were so so so many (in my opinion, fabulous) posts incorporating paper doilies? Well, the marshmallow is my paper doilie of the Easter season.

At first, I thought I was just crushing on homemade marshmallows after Annie re-introduced me to them.   BUT now, I realize the attraction is going beyond the gourmet snootiness of making homemade marshmallows and marshmallow bunnies.  My love has now expanded to even the run-of-the-mill standard Easter Peep.  There is just something about marshmallows that is fun.  I think it may be that you can describe them using the word ‘fluff.’  Generally speaking, anything that involves “fluff‘ of any sort I’m a fan of.

So consider yourself forewarned.  There are going to be more than a few extra marshmallow posts this week.  You are going to die when you try what Annie has up her sleeve.  Let’s just say, they are DE-lish (and of course, easy).   Then (fingers crossed) I will find time to create and post a cute-as-a-chick’s-beak edible favor for your Easter celebration.  Let’s just say, I hope you ladies like marshmallows or atleast the homemade kind because there is so much gooey fluff going on this week here at NFF.

Now back to today’s post., Peep-tastic.  This is why I love Peeps.  Arguablly, they may not  taste like pure perfection as a  homemade mallows might.   But we would all be lying to ourselves if we didn’t say they are C-U-T-E and a must have for a traditional American Easter celebration.   Here are four fun ways to have fun with Peeps with your peeps!  All come straight from the Peeps recipe and craft website.  Check them out!

1.  Easter Bunny Dips

2. Fondue Peeps – I like calling it Peepin’ your Fondue

3. Peep Party Dippers

4. Peeps Drizzle Pops

Blog to you soon with more mallow goodness,