Thursday was Silly Sock Day at Ethan’s Preschool. And since I missed 50’s Drive In Movie Day last week, I knew Ethan had to have some very silly socks or I would be risking the fate of being labeled an untogether mom (a very easy thing to do with all these together preschool moms).
Do you know that a mom really cannot find silly socks for boys these days? Dinosaurs and pastel Argyle are about as silly as it gets for little boy socks. Girls, on the other hand, have rainbow striped polkadot sparkled flower power tights at every retailer. Boys simply don’t have the same options. Needless to say, I had to make Ethan’s silly socks. Armed with a hot glue gun, poms poms, and wiggly eyes we came up with some little monster socks that fit the bill. (Side note: I love hot glue guns with all my heart. They make life so much better.) Ethan loved his socks and had a fabulous Silly Sock Day at school and I kept my fragile reputation as a together mom.