My little Miss Vienna is turning three this Friday! Since we had so much fun throwing her brothers parties this past summer, I was super excited to get in full-girl mode and celebrate my little slice of sunshine with a late summer affair! This past weekend we celebrated Vienna’s third year of reign with The Queen Bee’s Birthday Party. It was a lovely (albeit hot! hot! hot!) pint-sized event.
A photo of the party prior to the little bees showing up! (I decided to throw her birthday party at a local park instead of at my home, because I wanted a playground nearby for the little Queenies to play on. Unfortunately, the park was closed due to flash floods the week before and I only found out 30 minutes before the party began! I had a total anxiety attack, but our little bee guests made the best of it!)
Here is the invite I created for her. That got to V’s guests very late – which is unforuntately becoming my tradition these days.
I probably take my invitations a little too seriously to be honest.

Annie designed these fantastic wood party signs that she sells at various boutiques. I’m embarrassed to say how many I have.
I purchased paper lanterns from Oriental Trading and Michaels (Summer Clearance!!) to hang in the trees. I had these grand plans to hang them with ribbons and flowers from all the trees at various heights using a ladder, but since I was running late (big surprise) on the day of the party I just placed them on low branches surrounding the girl’s table. I think it worked.
A photo of my little Queen Bee at the party. Again, she is turning three. So, of course, there is no looking straight at the camera or smiling in general when the camera is out! You would die if you saw her in real life, I realize I’m biased – but she truly is fantastic in every way! Oh, how I love this little girl!

Oh, wait! I just found one of her looking at the camera in my photo bin! Of course, I am posting it! Then back to the party. (New Reader Note: One of the realities of this being my blog is that there will be more than an adequate number of my children’s photos posted on it. )
Now back to the party…
One of the dearest people in the world, Becky Melton, created these magnificent beehive cakes for V. She is just about to open up her first bakery and ice cream shop, Cakes & Cream, in Oklahoma. More details to come. With a name like Cakes & Cream, I think we will all want to be at the grande opening. Let me be honest for a minute, she is fantastic! I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to have her as a friend. I just mentioned in a passing email how I would love for her to make two beehive cakes for Miss V’s birthday if she lived in Texas and quicker than I can say “two fantastic beehive cakes”, she was a my door with two fantastic beehive cakes. She had driven down from OK for me! You can’t buy friends like that. I told you – Fantastic. You can contact Becky here:

Of course, I had to put the beehive cakes in pimped out wreaths and hang them from the trees. There really was no alternative.

Here is the little tablescape.
Each little girl got a basket with little treats on her plate. I then served the bee guests Cheese sandwiches on Honey Wheat bread. I was going to do peanut butter sandwiches with honey, but with all the peanut allergies these days it really wasn’t worth the risk. Cheese sandwiches are three-year old friendly and have nothing to do with peanuts. After they ate, I had V’s guests take their little baskets and buzz around the park to find flowers (dandelions!).
The girls drank “Flower Nectar.” – Lee’s idea! 

Beehive and flower cupcakes were also a must.
Vienna gave each of guest’s mommies a little jar of honey labeled, “Thank you for bee-ing here.”
Each little girl wore a bee headband with a flower. My little men (the only gentlemen at the party) wore construction hats labeled “worker bee.” Here are a few photos of our little guests.

Blog to you soon,