V, E, and me have all been under the weather this week. Three insta-care co-pays (one for Ethan and two for Vienna) and we are on our way to recovery. I really shouldn’t have had Ethan attend his preschool program possibly infecting many others, but I figure one of the carrier-monkeys at preschool probably had infected us and everyone else already…and well, there was no way I was missing his first school performance; fever or no fever. I believe the home video was worth it. Overall, we are all feeling much better tonight. The only bad thing is that I’ve lost my voice completely. This is the first time I have ever lost my voice while being a mom. Ethan thinks I’m playing a whispering game and Vienna thinks I’m an alien. They have no idea why I’m not talking. On a positive note, I think Lee is thoroughly enjoying not hearing me remind him about his Saturday Honey-Do List. Overall though, I feel fine and I think everyone should be well enough tomorrow to attend church. Lee has volunteered to teach the young women about the priesthood while I sit and smile at the girls. I’ll let you know how that works out.