What!? Strep Throat AND Pink Eye

What?!? Strep throat and Pink Eye?!?!

Do I roll my children in germs every day?

How is it possible they are sick this often?

My church members think I’m inactive, because I am either a) in Young Womens b) in the nursery c) in the foyer trying to calm one of the two or d) at home sick with Pink Eye and Strep Throat.

It’s also hard to believe that I am addicted to Lysol disinfecting wipes these days. Maybe Consumer Reports is in cahoots with Lysol, because they promised me that Lysol disinfecting wipes were 90% more effective than other disinfecting wipes in their December issue and because of that I have banished all other disinfecting wipes and been obsessed with Lysol wipes. But the results are obviously sketchy.

Perhaps my beloved preschool Ethan attends is the culprit. Those little carrier-monkeys look suspicious to me. There was no way I was letting Ethan attend during the swine flu scare CNN hyped up. I only believe 20-50% of what CNN reports, but I couldn’t take any chances with the pig epidemic. I do live in Texas right next to the Mexico border.

The other possibility is that perhaps they are just normal kids…and normal kids get sick. No…that couldn’t be it. I must be rolling them in germs.